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Mloc Update

The next version of MLOC is under way     More info to come shortly

Mark H

Mark H


Poor Exige needs some new headlights, the current ones have rusted pretty badly all of a sudden. I wonder what Santa can sort me out with

Mark H

Mark H

It Wont Start

Lucky me, Exige wont start! Same problem I had before that it turns over but wont fire, tried the obvious things but no luck. Last time it was a duff fuse and then the second time it happenned it just fixed itself. RAC here I come   Oh yeh and its got a misting of the oil/water so HGF in the future anyone? whole engine needs a good revamp really, better start saving some more £.

Mark H

Mark H

Running Costs

Just worked out using Microsoft Money how much my Elise and Exige have cost me to run over the years. This is maintenance only (including tyres), not addons, petrol, insurance or anything else.Elise - 3 Years 55k miles I think I drove it for (might be slightly off)£7,715 / 3 years = £2,571 per year£7,715 / 55k miles = £0.1402 per mileExige - 2 years 40k miles £6,956 / 2 years = £3,478 per year£6,956 / 40k miles = £0.1739 per mileTotal of £14,671 for five years running costsElise had one years wa



Coolant Part 2

New coolant cap fixed the hissing cap problem. Few weeks later and the top hose of the radiator has come off. Joy.......Thats both of them that have come off now, luckily I noticed right away both times. This time however it seems there is a misting of oil/water around the head gasket. :(Engine sounds like a bag of nails some days as well due to piston slap, warranty ended just the other day so give it a week til it all goes Pete Tong no doubt! So skint!!



More Woes?

Car wouldnt start the other day, similar problem to before. Engine had power but no spark, this time the fuse behind the seats hadnt gone. After ten minutes or so of playing around it starts but no obvious reason why it wouldnt start. Same thing last time and was fine for like 6 months afterwards until now, has been fine since!Coolant cap was hissing last night, had pressure this morning when I took the cap off when it was cold and the coolant is stable so far. Has been fine since then and no hi



Spray Bar Conversion

Thinking of fitting the spray bar conversion to my car (as posted on SELOC), with the number of miles I do in my car I'm sick of never being able to see out of the windscreen, hopefully this will help! The washer jets are forever spraying more water over the roof than they do on the windscreen!All you need is:Citroen part no. N93780 bx washer jet spray barand a bit of tubing to connect it to the existing pipework. Worth a try for £10



Ghost Fog Lights!

As posted in technical I have a problem I've not heard of people having before:




Doh, seem to have a misfire at certain revs, need to investigate further as it only started this morning. Seems like the rev limiter is kicking in as its like the car hits a brick wall but only it low gears it seems. Quite happy on the motorway so far.



Mloc Revamp

MLOC revamp is coming along nicely, here is a quick sneak preview.Will post some more of the new features when I have time.



No Stack?

Started it up and I thought it weird that my battery light was staying on for longer than usual as it started.Looked again and I had no stack lights, no speedo (that was stuck at 60mph, no rev counter (stuck at 3000 rpm) , no other warning lights, mileage, fuel gauge the lot! Doh me thinks, as I'm driving along hoping the stack isnt bust!Drove home guessing my speed, after a quick check I find a fuse had blown to the stack, didnt have any spares in the box though so after a trip to Halfrauds its




DOH! First time I've ever left my lights on, thank £$%^ for jump leads for getting it back up and running in minutes. Pain in the arse to get to the battery to jump it though, managed to break the clip on the leads trying to get it on the battery terminal.



Yoko A048's

Well that was fun, first time in the wet with them last night, just how wet was it! Deffo have to drive more carefully when the roads have standing water as you can feel the car go light through the puddles.Grip in the dry is amazing though, you can full throttle out of the corners and it just grips and grips!



2nd Hgf?

Driving along towards Bromsgrove and the temp starts rising, was fine a few minutes previously. Got to the A38 island to go towards NW direction and the temp is up to 105, by the time I reach NW its at 125 and flashing so I pull over and abandon it and get a lift home.Just my luck it will be another HGF, will be one every 20k miles at this rate :(It was too dark to diagnose anything, engine revs were low but it was running ok otherwise, the coolant cap/area was hissing but it was just too dark t



New Version Of This Site

Will post some preview screenshots up in the coming weeks. The front end will be changing slightly, a more professional look but not losing its current theme.The backend should be much slicker, a lot of it has been rewritten using something called "ajax", if you have used Google Maps then you have used this, basically its a way of interacting with the server on the fly without reloading the page.I.e. in Google maps as you scroll around the maps they keep loading but the actual page doesnt reload



New Tyres

Yokohama A048's should be fitted today, be good to see what they are like when they are scrubbed in Thank $%&^ for warrantys with the heater unit replacement costing £700! £300 part and the rest labour, I think I would be leaving it and wearing more jumpers otherwise! :cold:New Oil leak on the engine discovered now as well



Birmingham Imax/thinktank

If you havnt been already then goto the Birmingham IMAX, the 3D effects are amazing!Watched a few IMAX movies in the last couple of weeks, 3 3D films and a 2D and they are worth every penny The screen massive, all you can see in your vision is the film, totally absorbs you into it Sounds pretty good as well, 12k watts of sound :eek:Some of the films are a bit kid like and some are a bit educational but mostly they rule, Matrix in the past on the IMAX was something else :)Plus if you have ki



More $£

Add to the pile of done/todo:A serviceO/S/F Wheel bearingNew front discs and padsOil Cooler is leaking at the jointSplit track rod end gaiterHeater dial no longer turns because the plastic unit has come away from the metal inside.Aircon really needs regassing/cleaning soon because its useless now, used to be ok!A048 tyres on backorder.




What to Blog?? Who knows what you lot will use them for, I think a lot of people may use it like the diary here http://www.elises.co.uk/diary/index.htmlI know I found that useful when I was first looking at Elises, infact even before I thought I could ever afford one I used to read it



Money Pit

The Exige seems like a bottomless money pit at the moment, in the last few months:Caught on fireNew ClutchNew Alternator (Warranty phew)This weekA serviceNew set of tyresI have let it off for now though after last night hooning it down the lanes



View New Posts

I have no idea why but it took me a year of using this forum to work out the best way to use MLOC to see the latest posts since your last visit.Click on "View new posts" at the top right of the screen.http://www.midlandslotus.co.uk/forum/index...rch&CODE=getnewThis will bring up a list of all posts since your last visit. Once you have finished reading them click on "Mark all posts as read" at the top right of that page and then it will be accurate next time you visit.



Mloc/seloc Links

If your an avid reader of SELOC you may have noticed that I am now the regional liaison for the Midlands on SELOC. Now listed on here http://www.seloc.org/contacts.phpHopefully this should allow us to work closer with SELOC to bring benefits for all Lotus owners. It makes sense for us to be part of the SELOC regional setup to help other regions get going and to the same level as MLOC by providing our existing knowledge/experience. In return we get more exposure as a region and thus more members



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