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Lotus in the Peak
28th - 30th June 2024
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Mark H
Mark H

Nick - “I Want To Focus On Having A Strong W

With luck not at his side at Sunday's Canadian Grand Prix, Nick explained to us how he wants to get back to the points at the European GP.


Nick, what can you draw from Sunday's disappointment?

NH: The main disappointment for me is that I did not finish the race. I was behind Kamui (Kobayashi) and then something happened. He slowed down suddenly and I hit the back of him, which resulted in my front wing coming off and me going off the track. I was on track for fifth and some good points, so it's frustrating that more did not come from today after a decent qualifying session yesterday.


As you say, the qualifying session went quite well…

NH: Yes, we were pleased to get both cars in the top 10 for qualifying, and we thought we could really capitalise on those positions. As it happened, Sunday's weather threw up a range of possibilities and we handled them well, but I feel I was just out of luck in terms of what happened when I went into the back of Kamui. To look at the whole weekend, there are actually a number of positives that can be taken. I feel we have moved on from the difficulties we faced in Monaco and atleast Vitaly was able to score 10 more points for us.


Looking to Valencia, you'll be hoping to put things right…

NH: Definitely. I want to put Montreal behind me and focus on having a strong weekend in Valencia. It's another street circuit, faster than Monaco but slower than Canada so it will be a different type of challenge and one that I'm looking forward to.

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