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Suspension & Drivetrain Continued

Once the drive shafts were sent back to me, it was time to get on with the rebuilding of the rear suspension assembly.


I must say, the installation of the driveshafts took far longer and was far more difficult than I anticipated.


TIP: Please, oh please ensure that whatever you use to push the driveshafts in is blunt and stays blunt to avoid damaging the CV boots. I didn't and ended up damaging the inner boot. :D


First though - shocks!


I was in two minds whether or not I was going to change/ upgrade my Billies with the GGP. After some considerations, I decided to take the plunge!


Initial look and feel impressions, these shocks are far better than I ever remember any Gaz products being. Exactly how good they are, time will tell...




On the car...




Suspension rebuild


Wishbones back on the car...




Disks and hubs...




Driveshafts in...




Wheels back on...






The brake bleeding was pretty straight forward, however we had to do it the old fashion way (as Martin R called it) by pumping the brakes and bleeding from the furthest point in. This wasn't too bad and was completed in an hour or so.


The bleeding of the clutch system, however ended up being the single most difficult and painful thing of the whole build. The bleed nipple is tight between the engine and the firewall and due to the location of the engine (I believe Stark place their engine further forward than any other conversion kits) its an absolute so and so to get to. It took the three of us over an hour to bleed the system adequately.


I wish at this point I had a tip, but the only thing I can say is take the pain and go through the process :(


All done and the car back on the wheel for the first time in almost three months.


What do you think Son?




Job done! ;):(


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