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Lotus in the Peak
28th - 30th June 2024
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Side Air Scoops



This is one mod that I have been wresting with for a while. Although I have dramatically changed/ updated my car, one thing that I have been trying to do is keep the standard look.


Unfortunately, with the addition of the SC, the engine bay temps have gone up somewhat and reading through various forum entries, it seems pretty inconclusive as to whether or not the addition of the side scoops actually makes any difference at all.



As the car is far from being standard anymore, I finally decided to give it a try and see what happens.



I bought the CF scoops from Eliseshop, however there are all sorts of variations and options out there for an S1. It purely comes down to cost and personal preference. I have seen in some cases where the owner has had them painted to suit their own taste.


As for me, the CF look works.







Looks really good from the other side...







Glue, glue, glue!


Here is another area that I spent loads of time researching and speaking to various people who have done this before. It seems clear that the options on this a wide and varied and in some cases, people have opted to use rivets! Again, I believe it comes down to application and what your car is being used for.


Some of the more popular options:-

  • Sikaflex - I am told that as long you have prepped the area well, the bond will be pretty strong and it would take some doing to remove the scoops.

  • Tigerseal - Again, mega strong and will last you forever, but if you ever want to remove it, you may have to dance around the car for a bit as this stuff really sticks.

  • Rivets - Sometimes used in conjunction with the the bonds above.

All good options, however in the interest of being different and trying something new, I went down this route....






It seems pretty strong, however how long it would last is anyone's guess. I will report back.



Prep Work



I used brake cleaner to get rid of all surface grease and contaminants. I am sure you could use other methods, including white spirit.






I did the same on the scoops.



Positioning and Glueing



I then run a very thin bead of adhesive on the contact patch. I tried to keep this in the middle fully expecting it to spread out once pressed onto the body.




Not the most elegant of sights, but it works smile.png





I then carefully positioned it on the body/ rear clam and holding it in place with some masking tapes. It took the night for it to cure to full strength.











When placing the scoop in position, make sure that the edges are fully lined up and the door can be opened and closed unhindered.



Do both sides and then leave to cure.


It's interesting that once cured, the bests method I found to check on whether or not its stuck down adequately is to pull on them smile.png However the final proof of the pudding will be when you are pushing through the gears on the motorways. Mine remain on biggrin.png



Final Results


Given how long it took me to decide, I must say they look pretty good. This mod will not be for the purists out there, however I like it.


With regards to cooling effect, I am not really sure. The weather has been horrible most of the time so pretty hard to know whether or not it made a positive effect on the engine bay temps. I will update once I have clarity on this.


I like them indeed...










Recommended Comments

I would agree, it looks very smart indeedy!!

I'd love to know if it does make a difference to the engine bay temps,




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So, nothing scientific, but my engine bay felt a lot cooler on the move. How much of this is down to the scoops, who knows, but I must be getting more air in for sure.


Martin R will shoot me for installing them, but I think they look fine too.

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