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Lotus in the Peak
28th - 30th June 2024

Arc Eye - It Hurts!


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I made a fatal error when welding and ended up with arc eye! Oh my god it hurts!!!


The amazing thing was the fact that it happened at about 3pm, I went home, went to bed absolutely fine and it wasn't until I was awoken at 2am by a horrific pain in both eyes, water streaming down my face and the inability to keep my eyes open that I even knew it had happened. The only way I can dcescribe it is imagine you are walking through a sandstorm with your eyes wide open or that somebody has put sandpaper behind your eye lids!


The doc said that in most cases it only ever happens to people once, and I can see what he means as I will never make that mistake again!!!!


Hopefully another day or so and the pain should go way. I'm sure some of you will have had this, but for anybody that hasn't please don't make the mistake of ever looking at the light of the welder.

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Did that years ago. My mate came round to weld the exhaust on my Yamaha DT 100. Thought I was doing him a favour by making him cups of tea while he was welding it and chatting to him while he was behind his green mask. The following day it dawned on me that he was behind that mask for a reason :-(

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Had it once, not from welding but from building a tesla coil in the garage :) It wasn't very severe either, sounds like you had it pretty bad! Live and learn, hey ;)

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